Stavroula Savelidis, MS, PhD Candidate – Councilor

Federation of County Medical Societies of the State of NY

  1. The Federation held its monthly meeting on February 2, 2023. The following topics were discussed:
    1. We heard from Moe Auster, who presented an overview of the Government Affairs Office’s activities. He thanked us for all the work the Federation did to ensure a positive outcome for the physicians of New York in the wake of the Wrongful Death Bill. During his presentation, he discussed the plans for Advocacy Day.
    2. Our discussion focused on the upcoming House of Delegates, the preparations needed at the county level, as well as the Executive Director Meeting.
    3. Stav discussed the Strategic Planning Initiative. The group was asked to submit any goals on behalf of the Federation they wanted to submit.
  2. On February 16, 2023, the Federation participated in a Pre-Advocacy discussion with the Government Affairs Office and MSSNY SVP Troy Oechsner. This was a great opportunity to introduce the newer Executive Directors to the team and address concerns and questions.
  3. Federation Members participate actively in all MSSNY committees and provide insight and support as advisors.
  4. A segment will be created in the E-News and the MSSNY social media platforms where an Executive Director will be highlighted every quarter, and their accomplishments acknowledged by the whole state membership.
  5. With the assistance of MLMIC, the Federation is updating all outdated websites and providing counties with the tools to maintain them regularly. There is no charge for this service.
  6. The next Federation meeting will take place on March 9, 2023, at 10 a.m.